Thursday 20 May 2010

The Liberal elite.

Some gay men voted for the lib Dems.
Some gay men didnt vote Labour because of ID cards and the DNA datebase - which is used to castch and convict 8000 serious criminals a year - Serious as in RAPE,MURDER.

Some gay men forgot that Labour gave them Civil partnerships,allowed to serve in the military,equal age of consent,huge spending rises in HIV treatment,gay adoption,fertilisation legisalation,etc.
Some gay men thought ID cards and DNA database was more important.
Some gay men said that Democracy was at risk.
So they voted Lib Dem or Conservative.

And some gay men are happy now.

With the coalition giving the Police more powers to charge as opposed to the CPS.
Happy the coalition is determinded to undermine and change Parliamentry legislation like making it impossible to bring down the Govt.
Happy that Thersa May is equality Minister - Theresa voted against most of the laws I mentioned.

Some gay men are the Pet Shop Boys they say they re happy.

Are you happy too?

Is This The World That We Live In.

Today in Malawi, country in which 12% of the population has HIV, that depends heavily on AID from the UK and others, a country were you can bribe Govt Officials in order to adopt a child sent 2 men to jail for 14 years hard labour.
Their crime,Love.
In other African countries like Uganda,again they receive AID if you are gay you can be sentenced to death.
And it happens.

Madonna, who was very vocal in her support of Malawi and whose foundation has given millions of dollars says nothing.

The same Madonna who gay men pay £100 plus to watch mime songs.

The same Madonna who attended an AIDS charity Auction ONLY on condition that the AIDS charity gave money to her Malawi Charity.
Madonna herself gave nothing to the AIDS charity, except an old handkerchief and hand bag to auction.

And what has Madonna whose 2 children come from Malawi said on the prison decision - NOTHING.

And still your taxes go to prop up a corrupt,evil regime whose people are dying from AIDS.
And of course imprisoning people is just the way to drive gays under ground and not seek condoms etc for fear of arrest and jail.

And on Twitter Justin Beiber trends, Olympic Mascots trend. Malawi - that does nt trend that just takes the money, buries its people and jails its gay men.