Thursday 8 April 2010

Can Cameron be anymore of a wanker.

Cameron today was with Sir Michael Caine - a person with a personal wealth of £45,000,000.
A person who fled the Country in the 1970s because he did nt want to pay UK tax and became a tax exile and contributed nothing to this Countries tax system, the NHS, schools, etc etc for years.
A person who says he will do the same again and again not contribute anything to this Country.
A person who stated in 2009 that people who were unemployed were " layabouts" - so if you ve lost your job because of the recession your a layabout according to Sir Michael.
Nice friends Mr Cameron.

So the wanker bit.

Well Cameron managed to squeeze in 2 Caine film quotes into his speech.
Thats why he s a wanker.

And the great British Media - oh how they laughed.

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