Friday 2 April 2010


Over the last 4 years I have had the misfortune to have had cancer 3 times.
Three different types but all linked to my Lymphatic system.

All of them could have proved fatal.

I have all my treatmenmt on the NHS.
I have been treat by 3 hospitals in Newcastle Upon Tyne and the Chelsea and Westminster in London.
I have had in total over half 12 scans on PET scanners, MRI, CT and ultra sounds.
The PET scanner cost 1 million, the CT scanner half a million.
I have had chemo therapy, radiotherapy and 2 lots of mono cell treatments using a drug costing £15,000 a time.
I have seen 2 professors, 4 consultants, 3 registrars and dozens of nurses.
The most I have had to wait for treatment, scans, appointments is 2 weeks.

Without the treatment I would be dead.
Im not dead.
Im very much alive, in remission and doing extremely well.

I dread to think if the in 1997 the Labour Party had not won the election, when people waited over 2 years for operations and waited in corridors.
And I dread to think what will happend if Labour do not win the 2010 election.
Dont you?


  1. We are incredibly lucky to have the NHS. Have you seen Sicko?

  2. Never seen Sicko, Im not a huge fan of Michael Moore, tend to think he is a tad misleading to say the least. But have relatives in the States so know exactly what goes on over there.
    And know just how lucky we really are here, even if at times we dont realise it.
    Thank you for your comments btw.
    And my first few blogs have been a bit serious, I aint always like that, honest. x
